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Rossi 은퇴설

지난주는 Stoner의 은퇴시기에 관련된 많은 얘기가 있었는데 이번주는 로씨와 관련된 얘기군요.

Ducati rider Valentino Rossi expected to retire from MotoGP at the end of this season

Valentino Rossi, the nine-time world champion and arguably the greatest rider in the history of two-wheel racing, will retire from MotoGP at the end of this season, if not before, sources close to the Italian have told The Telegraph.

Rossi, whose contract with Ducati expires at the end of 2012, said in January that he wished to pen a two-year extension.

That piece of paper remains unsigned, however, while speculation linking him with a return to Yamaha or Honda, either as part of a factory or satellite team, is understood to be no more than that.

이미 호사가들 사이에선 혼다, 야마하 팩토리 혹은 위성팀 내지는 독자적으로 위성팀을 만들지 않겠냐는등 각종 추측들만 난무하고 있습니다.

Rossi has experienced a humbling 18 months since teaming up with Ducati in a match initially billed as made in heaven; the marriage of a genuine global superstar with the famous Italian marque.

But he finished last year without a win for the first time in his career and lies ninth in the standings this term; the pace of his bike way off that of the Japanese outfits.

“The Doctor”, as he is known to his fans around the world, managed a seventh place at Estoril on Sunday, having qualified ninth, which was seen as a decent result, a sign of how far expectations have fallen.

Much hope is being pinned on a new engine, which was due to be trialled in Portugal on Monday, only for the first in-season test to be rained off.

But a sudden turnaround in form remains far from unlikely. Ducati, which has just been bought by Audi, does not have the budget to improve the bike sufficiently to bring it closer to the front-runners. The race team is largely funded by Ferrari sponsors Philip Morris, but is said to be already over budget this year.

Privately it is felt by Rossi’s closest friends and advisers that now is the time to retire, before any lasting damage is done either to his reputation or more worryingly, himself.

주변에서 더 이상 명예의 손상이 가지 않게 은퇴를 권유하기도 하나 봅니다.

At 33, the skills which carried him to nine world titles, including seven in the premier class, are on the wane and he is reportedly still being hampered by long-standing injuries.

Only his pride, and the thought that he could miraculously find himself back on a winning bike, have kept him from throwing in the towel already.

But The Daily Telegraph understands that Rossi has now told his inner circle — his father, Graziano and his manager, Davide Brivio — that he will not race beyond this year. His decision may have been influenced by the likely departure this winter of his legendary chief engineer and mentor, Australian Jerry Burgess, for personal reasons.

아버지나 매니저인 Davide Brivio에 따르면 더 이상 레이스를 하지 않을것 같다고 합니다. 또한 Burgess가 올해를 끝으로 은퇴한다는 것도 영향을 미칠 것으로 보인다고 합니다.

As one of the most high profile sportsmen on the planet, Rossi’s marketability remains as high as ever. He is unlikely to go before the two American races at Laguna Seca in July and Indianapolis in August. Then there is San Marino and the chance to race one more time at Misano. By then it is only a couple of months until the end of the season.

Rossi, who set competitive times when testing for Ferrari a few years ago, is believed to want to try his hand at various four-wheel pursuits. Rallying and sports cars remain an option.

그런데 이 역시 아직은 속단할 수 없습니다. 그냥 호사가들이 만들어내는 이야깃거리 일지도 모르죠. 언론이란게 원래 그렇자나요. 진실보다는 이러쿵 저러쿵 할 이야깃거리에 더 관심이 많은 법입니다. 

그의 입을 통해 인터뷰를 하기 전엔 그냥 하나의 루머 정도로 보시면 될거 같습니다.

로씨가 공식적으로 사실이 아니라고 부인했습니다. 브리비오도 그렇구요.

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