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HRC 슈헤이 나카모토의 인터뷰 중

GPone.com의 인터뷰입니다. 흥미로운 부분이 있어서 발췌해왔습니다.

Q: Casey doesn’t like electronics aids so much. How much does he help in terms of machine development.

N: A lot. Casey doesn’t like electronics aids and at first, our engineers and other staff were worried if we let Casey does what he likes, tire may not last. But in the end, Casey controls tyre slip by himself. The most efficient acceleration can be obtained when the rear tyre slip ratio is around 10%, that is when you get best grip. In order to obtain 10% slip ratio, you have to fix the traction control to this level and so on. In case of Casey, we fix the slip ratio to 20% and he controls the bike without using traction control. Still his acceleration line in a diagram shows ideal line. In other word, he does what computer aid does only with his body.
Last year we had three riders, Casey, Dani and Dovizioso. Dovi was using traction control at maximum level. Dani uses it as an aid to his riding skill. Casey uses as least.
We have added Casey’s requests to our traction control system and now it is almost completed. We have gained a lot of technological information from him. He contributed to us not only in racing results but in terms of development as well.

스토너가 전자장비를 반대하는 선수라는건 잘 알려진 사실인데 이탈리아의 GPone.com과 Nakamoto의 인터뷰에서 트랙션 컨트롤에 의해서 리어의 슬립비율을 10% 정도로 맞출 때 가장 좋은 그립이 나온다고 하는데 스토너는 20%로 설정하고 자신이 직접 컨트롤 한다고 합니다. 컴퓨터가 해주는 일을 자신의 손목으로 직접하는 겁니다. 흥미로운 사실은 도비지오소는 트랙션컨트롤을 맥시멈레벨로 사용한다고 하네요.

이 인터뷰를 통해 로렌죠의 매니저의 요청에 의해 지난 카탈루냐 그랑프리에서 만났었다는 얘기도 했습니다. 아직은 가벼은 특별한 얘기가 오가는 단계는 아니라고 합니다.

Q: Is there any possibility for Valentino to come back to Honda?

N: Not to the factory team, but he can ask satellite Honda teams if he wants. I think he can bring a big sponsorship and that will be welcomed by many teams.

로씨가 혼다 팩토리로 올 가능성을 문는 질문에 대해선 "위성팀으로 가능할 것이고 큰 스폰서를 동반할테니 어느 팀에서나 환영할 만한 일이다."라고 밝혔습니다.

Q: What about the rules from 2014/2015? They say it will be enforced from 2014 instead of 2015.

N: No way to accept the change from 2014. If so, we will not support the Championship Also we don’t want a big change. If they say we must move to all-CRT, we will quit. We have made that clear to Dorna. 
Anyway I think true performance of CRT is higher than what we see now. We would like to prove that.

Q: What do you mean by prove it?

N: To see a fast rider riding a proper develop CRT bike In some tracks, top Moto2 riders are faster than slower CRT riders. This cannot be accepted. If Honda makes a CRT bike, it will surely be one second faster than a Moto2 (if he two riders are at the same level of course!). At the moment technical regulation for full proto and CRT is balanced, what we miss is more good CRT and good riders on it! Already this season we can see that a good rider like De Puniet on a good bike like the ART can be as fast as full proto.

전면 CRT를 시행할 경우 HRC는 MotoGP에서 빠지겠다는 의사를 명확히 전달했다고 합니다. 하지만 CRT는 잠재력이 많고 혼다가 직접 관여한다면 지금 보다 훨씬 빨라질 수 있을 거라고 확신하고 있네요. 물론 좋은 라이더가 함께 해야한다는 전제도 달고 있습니다.

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