Rossi MCN 인터뷰
Q It is reported that you brought an offer of (Euro) 17,000,000 from Audi.
A No. This is important to say. Important. This is completely not true. My offer for next year is less money than the offer of these two years, and I think is also right, because the situation of all the world is difficult, and also I arrive from two bad season with less result. So is normal that they take less money, less money than last year.
-연봉 1700만 유로설에 대한 입장. 아니라고 함. 지금보다 적은 연봉이고 그간 결과가 그러하니 당연하다고 생각.
Q What is your priority for your choice? A better bike?
A We have - so, I think, because in one way I can be very competitive in a short period; in the other way, at least we need more time. But for sure, the ... the level to win with the Ducati, the challenge to win with the Ducati, is higher, because nobody win with three different brand, so is something special. So I have to decide between these two
-경쟁력 있는 바이크가 우선. 하지만 3개의 브랜드로 우승한 사람이 없기 때문에 그것 또한 특별할 것.
Q At this stage of your career though, Valentino, is it too much of a risk to stay with Ducati and be in this position again for another two years
A Is a big risk, yeah. Is a big risk also because I have to do the decision - is not, I cannot wait too much. If not, Dovizioso become very angry. [Laughter] So I have to, you know. But at the same time, the problem is that for wait the Audi and Ducati, is very early now for understand who will come to work, to work for the guys in Ducati. So I have to make a bet without very clear situation
-두카티에 남는 것은 불투명 미래에 대한 베팅, 도비지오소 화내기 전에 결정해야함ㅎㅎㅎ
Q Is it now just between Ducati and Yamaha? Are those the only choices you have
A I have also the third option, but is not in the factory team
Q But you are considering this option as well, or not
A I consider this option, but for sure I want to stay with a factory bike, so is the third option.
-여러가지 선택이 있겠지만 팩토리팀 선호
Q How would you feel about stepping back to Yamaha, stepping back to being the teammate of Lorenzo again, after there was some tension before? He said that he would not have a problem with this. From your side, what is your feeling?
A The situation change a lot, because, so - my feeling change a lot, because change the situation. I mean, I had some problem in the past with Jorge, especially because I was angry with Yamaha. Because after what all I did for Yamaha, they put me in a team, a very strong teammate. So I was pissed off with Yamaha, more than him. Now, now is a different situation. I understand that anyway Yamaha make the right choice for Yamaha. And I think this is not a big problem.
-로렌조와 과거 불화에 대한 입장 - 로렌조 보다는 야마하에 대해 화가 났었다. 하지만 당시 야마하의 선택이 옳았음을 이해한다. (강력한 팀메이트를 선정한 것에 대해 화가났었다고 하는데 그건 아무래도 야마하의 미래를 맡길 선수를 뽑은 것이라고 보여지고 그에 대해 배신감 같은걸 느꼈을 수도 있겠네요.)
Q This week, Ducati will try Scott Redding at Mugello. What do you think about his potential with this bike, and what can he expect when he jumps on that bike?
A I know, because I am very close with the Ducati guys for the future, so they speak to me about the bikes, about young riders, they spoke about Iannone. But also Redding is - first is the English hope, you know? After Cal. But I think he have a good potential. He's a young gun and he can be fast.
-Redding에 대한 평가. 크러치로우에 이은 영국인들의 희망. 잠재력이 충분하다는 정도의 그냥...그냥..
Q Can Ducati exploit their luck with Cal? Do you think that he is a rider that they should be looking at, if you were to go?
A For me, Cal is another - I already say. The style and the mind of Cal can be suitable for the Ducati.
-크러치로우와 두카티는 아마 잘 맞을 것이다라고..뭐 역시 그냥...
Q If you went back to Yamaha, then probably for the first time in your career you would be the number two rider. What is your feeling about this, and how do you think that you would be able to cope with the situation?
A This is another important thing for make the choice, because in Ducati I can be the number one, and the Yamaha have Lorenzo. Is another thing - another, to wait, to understand.
-팀의 2nd 라이더가 되는 것에 대해서는 생각해 볼 필요가 있다는 입장(스피스를 봐도 알겠지만 같은 팩토리 선수라도 팀에서 서포트하고 집중하는 부분의 차이가 있습니다. 로씨라면 그렇게 부당한 대우를 받지는 않겠지만...하여튼 이건 F1에서도 종종 선수간에 불만으로 작용하는 경우가 있습니다. 1st냐 2nd냐에 따른 미묘한 차이점...Webber도 작년에 그런 발언을 한 적이..쿨럭..;;)
출처 : MCN, Superbikeplanet