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Rossi still in a laughing mood

Rossi가 이태리의 한 TV show에 아버지와 함께 출연했다고 합니다. 본인이 아버지를 상태로 Valentino Rossi에 대해 인터뷰를 하는 여유롭고 재밌는 모습니다.

Valentino e Graziano RossiIt's almost incredible to see Valentino Rossi like this; without a race suit and helmet, but instead wearing an elegant black suit and tie.  The Doctor was dressed up for an appearance on a popular Italian television show, where he jokingly played the role of reporter for an interview with his father Graziano. 

The episode will air on April 25th, but here is a sneak preview. 

Valentino: What do you think about this difficult period?

Graziano: "Considering what they have to work with, they will come out of it." 

V: And what do they have to work with?

G: "The bike is a Ducati, and I'd say that you cannot question their ability to build race bikes.  The rider is Valentino, and right now, in my opinion, he is more on form than ever. With a bit of luck, they will turn things around by halfway through the season, or maybe even sooner." 

V: Why haven't they had any success yet?

G: "Because the bike was completely new at the beginning.  Now the bike is equal to all the others.  I don't see why Valentino, who has sorted out 3, 4 or 5 other bikes, can't get this one figured out together with the help of the Ducati staff." 

V: What must Ducati do to make the bike easier for Valentino to ride? 

G: "The engine must be easier to use, and the weight distribution must be changed to cure the understeer." 

V: Would you like to say something to Filippo Preziosi?

G: "I'd like to compliment him on this engine, which is really fast.  I'd also like to tell him that useability is very important now, and even more than outright performance." 

V: Would you like to offer Valentino some advice?

G: (laughing) "Now he needs to be tougher than ever before. He needs absolute conviction, and to commit himself fully.  Even if things aren't going well, he absolutely cannot give up or give in. This is not the time to quit." 

V: So Valentino shouldn't leave Ducati?

G: "Valentino can't walk away from this project in this moment.  This is a challenge that Valentino must win together with Ducati."

V: What would you tell fans that want to see him race Biaggi again, in World Superbike?

G: "Valentino is always keeping a close eye on WSBK, but there are probably another 2, 3 or 4 years of MotoGP racing to be done before he can get on a SBK." 

V: Thanks.  And say 'hello' to Valentino when you see him. 

출처 : gpone.com

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