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Dovizioso 인터뷰

긴긴 영문 인터뷰에 읽어보실 만한 내용에 형광펜질 좀 해놨습니다. 일일이 다 번역해서 올리기엔 저도 좀 힘드네요. 영어 울렁증이 있어도 참으시고...ㅋㅋ 중간중간 요약했습니다.

It is interesting to note that you are the best satellite rider the championship has seen since 2007. Why do you think that is?

I think that’s just because my position is to be in the factory team, so when in a satellite team, I am the best as I am one of the fastest. Also with a bike that is a little bit worse than the factory bike, I can still stay with them.

I think that crossing the finish line with a satellite bike only one second behind Lorenzo is not bad at all.

How much of your success is up to you and how much is up to the bike?

For sure this Yamaha 1000cc project has started very well and the bike is very different.

When you are in a satellite team, you cannot develop the bike so the bike is as it comes.

위성팀은 선수가 원하는 방향으로 개발해 나가지 못하고 팩토리에서 주는데로 타야한다는...;

If the bike is good and you can work well with it, then you get to the top but if you cannot make it work for you, then it very difficult as you cannot really improve the bike much. It means you are on the limit with the results.

그 바이크와 잘 맞으면 좋은 성적이 나오는 것이고 아니면 성적에 한계가 있음.(과거 인터뷰를 보면 겨울테스트와 시즌 초반에 로렌조의 라이딩 데이터를 보고 분석하고 이해하려고 노력했었다고 합니다. 그리고 현재 야마하 선수중에 로렌죠와 데이터에 가장 근접한게 자신이라는 얘기도 했었습니다. 어쩌면 좀 자존심이 상할 수도 있지 않나 싶은데...그런 얘기들을 그냥 하더라구요. 사실 06,07년 250cc에서 모두 로렌조에 밀려 시즌2위로 마감한 씁쓸한 추억을 안긴 라이벌이었으니까요.)

Of course success has much to do with the bike but it also has a lot to do with me. We are 4 Yamaha riders and I am currently the second one in the championship which means I must be doing a better job than the other 2 who are behind.

The interview took place only a few days before the shocking announcement by Ben Spies that he was to leave the factory team by the end of the season; the seat he vacated is the one Andrea is chasing.

스피스가 야마하와 계약하지 않는다는 발표가 이뤄지기 하루 전에 한 인터뷰라고 합니다. 

Do you sometimes compare yourself to Ben Spies?

Do you mean comparing data or something else? Both

For sure, it is a normal thing to do. You cannot improve if you don’t compare.

야마하 선수들의 주행 데이터를 비교해 본다고 하네요.

And what do you think when you compare yourself to Spies?

We are such different riders! I am smoother, we have different bike settings, we also see the racing lines in a different way. So when he takes a better corner, entry or exit, I have to understand why and try to do the same, maybe differently but still try to do it.

스피스와는 라이딩 스타일이 다르며 자신이 더 부드럽다며...그래서 세팅도 다르고 레이싱 라인도 좀 다르고...주행데이터를 비교 분석해서 시도해보기도 한다고 합니다.

I think he is a very fast rider and when he decides to do a fast lap, he really does go fast. It is not as easy as it sounds.

가볍게 벤 스피스에 칭찬도....ㅎㅎ

Do you sometimes follow him as you followed Lorenzo?

I try not to follow anybody as it is dangerous: riders can stop on track any minute.
Also, if you are working alone, it is more profitable. Your own work is more important anyway.
When you are behind somebody, you can understand more and it is easier but you need to be alone to be strong during the race.

Why do you think you are more suitable for the factory ride?

Because I have experience and because I am fast. Especially because I got experience after 3 years in HRC and it’s the most difficult team to get results with.

랩솔 혼다에서 좋은 성적을 내는 것이 더 어려웠다. (왜???ㅡ.ㅡ)

Why is it so difficult?

Because of the engineering. It is harder.

전에 Nakamoto의 인터뷰에서 봤든 도비지오소는 트랙션컨트롤을 맥시멈 레벨로 사용했다고 하는데 아마 비교적 과격한 엔진특성이 본인과 잘 맞지 않았었나 봅니다.

But Yamaha is also Japanese

Yes but it is different. The engineering is less aggressive and the Yamaha is smoother.

야마하가 혼다보다 더 부드럽다고 하네요.

Have you had recent talks with Yamaha?

Sure. Especially this weekend. We will talk and have a meeting to try to understand more.

Any thoughts about plan B?

I have a few but I don’t think a lot about that because I really want a factory bike.
I am concentrating my thoughts on how to get that and the only way is through getting results.
I need to focus on those results and try not to think about anything else

Did you really get an offer from Aprillia and BMW in WSBK?

We spoke but there were no offers.

Aprilia에서 거액을 제시했다는 소문은 사실이 아닌가요?

How can you separate talking contracts and racing during a MotoGP weekend?

It’s not my duty so I am not doing it. I just talk a little. It’s not my job. I get briefings from the meetings.

During the race weekend or after it’s over?

I like to know immediately but I fight a lot with my manager about that.

He doesn’t want to tell you?

He just tells me a little bit. Sometimes he agrees to share the info, sometimes he doesn’t.

After hearing all the information, can you switch your mind off?

I try my best! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
I think I will know a little bit more after this weekend.


It is one of the options

Once the weekend was over, I caught up with Dovi about the issue to see if there had been any progress. In the end, there was a lot of talking, nothing set. Gresini looking for an Italian was a new talking point going around.

Through the years Dovi has been criticized for not being aggressive enough, for sitting at the back for too long, for not battling enough or waking up too late. This season he’s been there from the moment the green light came on.

You seem more aggressive this season, on and off the track

I am not aggressive, I am just more confident. When you are confident, you can push a little bit more, you can get closer to the limit. That’s when everything becomes easier.

공격적으로 변한것이 아니라 자신감이 생긴 것. 그래서 좀 더 밀어붙일 수 있고 한계에 가까워질 수 있다.

What gave you that confidence?

The bike is completely different and when you understand the bike, you start to get the results. Once there is the confidence, you get the feeling that allows you to push more and more and more.

바이크가 완전히 다르고 바이크에 대한 이해가 있을 때 결과를 내기 시작한다. 자신감이 생기면 점점 더 밀어붙일 수 있다.

Is it something in yourself that changed?

Yes, but again it’s always the confidence, it’s what’s inside you that makes it happen.

Is there anything you could have changed in the past to be in this position earlier?

It’s always easier to look back at the past. Looking back is easy. Really, really easy.

The team mate rivalry between you and Cal seems different than with Dani and Casey

It’s not different. They are just different characters. Cal is more easy-going and makes everybody feel relaxed so that’s why it seems different, but he is strong, just like Dani and Casey. My rivalry with him is as strong as it was with them.

This season you seem to chat more with your team mate.

That’s because Cal is different so it’s easier for me. I am really open and I like to talk with the riders, but it is difficult to find riders who are open enough.

크러치로우가 성격이 좋은가봐요. 예전과 다르게 도비가 팀메이트와 대화도 많이하고 그런 모습에 대해 도비 역시 크러치로우를 편하게 대할 수 있고 좋다고 하네요.

Dovi is a young father and his daughter is his real treasure. If you want to see Andrea crack a smile, just mention her name or good results. These days, he sees her less than before, after separated from the mother of his child.
At Mugello, his daughter came over, escorted by his sister, and she spent as much time as possible with her dad.
In the past, Andrea told me that his daughter will never ride bikes! Still, in the garage, there is a bike named after her.

Were you surprised by Casey’s decision?

I was surprised because the decision was taken very early in the season but I am not 100% surprised because I felt he might do that. He is not comfortable in this championship and it doesn’t matter if he wins, he always complains. Stoner is a unique character. He is really out of the ordinary and so are his decisions.

제가 스토너가 불평을 많이 한다고 했었죠? 도비가 확인해주네요 스토너가 불평불만을 많이한다는 얘기와 좀 특이한 애라고...ㅋㅋ

Did you ever think about retiring as a young father yourself?

No, no zero thoughts in that direction at all!

You were complaining in the past about the Italian media coverage. Have you seen the time you got last week on screen? Tech3 were second!

Really? The good results have changed the media coverage but it doesn’t change my feelings.

도비가 이탈리아 미디어에 많이 다뤄지지 않는 것에 불만이 있었나보네요. 최근에 배틀도 많고 그래서 미디어에 노출되는 횟수가 상당이 늘어난듯 합니다. 이런 자료들을 보면 진짜 프로 스포츠라고 느껴지네요. 미디어에 대한 노출은 스폰서에게 있어서 아주 중요한 자료니까요.

TV coverage statistics during the Assen MotoGP Round

Is there anything else you could do to change this or does it not bother you?

No, I do care about that but I can’t do anything more. I only want to get results. If you can bring good results, then the media people have to talk to me but not necessarily because they want to.

Why do you think this is happening?

My character is not what the TV and the media want, that’s obvious. There is not enough to say about me.

So don’t you think you need to say more colorful things?

But I am not like that! I don’t have to change. It would be sad to change just to get media coverage. It is not me.

I don’t like when fans don’t understanding who I am, but that’s only because of the way the media portrays me. But that’s life!

So why aren’t you more active on Facebook or Twitter?

Because it is not the kind of person I am.

So what do you want?

What I want is to win. Winning can bring change and make me happy.
I feel relaxed, happy and complete when I win. That’s it

선수로서 레이싱을 하는 것, 우승을 추구하는 것 이외에 특별한 것이 없고 구지 자신을 미디어의 입맛에 맞게 포장하거나 바꿀 생각도 없다고합니다.

이런 모습을 보면 상대적으로 로씨가 레이서로서 뿐만 아니라 여러모로 다재다능하고 팬과 미디어의 관심을 끄는 정말 특별한 매력을 갖은 선수임에 틀림없어 보입니다.

Is the win coming soon?
It depends.

What needs to improve?

Many things, many things.

Can Tech3 provide what you need?

I think there is a possibility but what I really need is a factory team.

혼다 팩토리팀 맛을 보더니 얘가 완전 팩토리팀 타령이네요...ㅎㅎ 선수들이 체감하는 차이는 상당히 큰 것 같습니다.

There are 3 candidates for the vacant Yamaha seat. Rossi is the first priority, Crutchlow and Dovi follow. With all of Andrea’s successes and his consistent character, it still seems like it’s not his seat to get.
I joked with him that he needs an American girlfriend. Ladies with the right passport, any volunteers?

Thank you to Tammy Gorali (Channel Sport 5, Israel) for sharing this very interesting interview with us!


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