스토너 복귀 관련 나카모토 인터뷰
There has been talk over Stoner Marquez, in the Grand Prix Austin . To intrigue fans and insiders the long series of tweets of the Australian champion who seemed really irritated by the refusal of the HRC's off into Texas.
At the end of the day, however, reported a chirping ironic smile on the faces of Shuhei Nakamoto , HRC Executive Vice President and Livio Suppo who have agreed to sit down at a table to tell how things went. And this is their truth , that we must hold the final. At least as long as Stoner himself decides to speak up with something longer than 140 characters.
"I was very surprised when Stoner asked us to be able to race in Texas (초반에 언론마다 다르게 보도했었는데 스토너가 대체선수로 참가하겠다는 의사를 먼저 밝힌게게 맞군요.)- are the first words of Nakamoto - it was he telling us that he wanted to help Pedrosa and HRC. At first it made me happy, and of course we held a meeting Japan to discuss it, I, Kokubu-san and Yokoyama-san (respectively responsible for Technology and Development Ed) and make the decision. For us, for the HRC, Casey is very important, a VIP and should it get back on track MotoGP, the minimum should be able to compete for third place. That would be our target. Now I have no doubt that he is very fast. In fact, correct me: very, very fast. But to prove it should have a bike trimmed for him. and also have his team at his side. Now Christian Gabarrini, his former crew chief, is involved with Jack Miller, and we could not ask him to leave. At the same timeRamon Aurin, the crew chief of Dani, he's very good, but has never worked with Stoner. And even Christian sometimes struggled to find the right set for Casey. So for Ramon would still be very difficult. "
(밀러의 치프 메카닉을 맡고 있는 가바리니가 스토너의 피트에 참여할 수 없는 부분도 상당히 중요한 부분이었다고 합니다.)
He pauses Nakamoto. He opens his eyes, then resumes.
"Our priority has been to not wanting to see Casey fight for fifth or sixth place. Stoner on track must at least be able to fight for the podium and we concluded that we could not give him the assurance technique to succeed. "
Another pause, as if to make sure we all had perfectly understood his words, then the revelation.
"You know, for me Casey is like a son. I do not know if he thinks the same thing, but it was tough, really tough. I realize how much there is still bad because I so many times I asked him, Casey pleasure returns run, please make a wild-card. If we had had time to organize at least one test before the race, we would have said yes. But there was no time to organize it. I realize that his fans, me included, would like to see him fight back on track, but our priority is that Stoner can do it fighting for the podium. "
Honda, therefore, would not have had no objection to let him compete again only if the Australian had had the time to try to make an arrangement to the RC213V. Which apparently could not do during the winter tests.
"In Sepang Casey took part in a test to try out some new features on the bike, but he shot without any structure . However the weather was reasonably good: 1.5 seconds slower than his record. A good pace, taking into account that the track was dirty and had not alongside engineers to record the data. This means that Stoner is still very fast, but to close that gap with a second and a half we would need a good set-up. "
세팡 테스트 당시 서킷 노면도 좋지 않았고 데이터 엔지니어만 참여해서 셋업을 제대로 보지 못했는데 본인의 베스트랩 보다 1.5초 정도 느렸다고 합니다.
It remains to know, after the words of Nakamoto, what was the reaction of houses Stoner to 'no' HRC.
"What did he say? - joked Livio Suppo - well, you have all read the tweet. "
Read more: MotoGP, Nakamoto: è stato duro dire di no a Stoner http://www.gpone.com/2015041016505/Nakamoto-e-stato-duro-dire-di-no-a-Stoner.html#ixzz3X9EkJUor
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Casey Stoner deseaba fervientemente batirse con Marc Márquez en Texas. Desde hace tiempo el australiano le tiene ganas al de Cervera, y ya antaño no se cortó al lanzarle algunas púas. ¿Celos? Eso sólo lo sabe él, pero no ha ocultado su deseo de medirse con el actual campeón, llegando a manifestar que sería tan rápido como Marc, e incluso que le podría batir en un eventual duelo.
Esto es lo que opinaba Casey de Marc, hace tan sólo un mes:
“Es muy constante, pero Jorge, Dani y Valentino han mostrado que se le puede batir. En lo que a velocidad pura se refiere, no tendría problemas con él. Soy todavía lo suficientemente rápido para poder pelear por ganar, aunque no en todas las carreras. El nivel es en estos momentos muy alto”.
Sorprendido por la negativa de HRC a su propuesta de sustituir al lesionado Pedrosa, inicialmente reaccionó con elegancia: “Lo siento por todos, no correré en Austin. Habría sido un honor sustituir a Dani Pedrosa”, comentó en un ‘tweet’. Sin embargo, unos días más tarde ya mostraba su enojo:
“Cabreado por no poder correr. La preparación no era tan necesaria. No pretendía ganar, tan sólo sustituir a un buen amigo y divertirme un poco en Texas”.
En Honda tienen claro que su principal objetivo es ganar el Mundial con Márquez, y sin duda tener dos gallos en el mismo gallinero sería una temeridad, aunque al no hacerlo se resienta el espectáculo. Pedrosa es un cómodo compañero de box. Stoner no.
Esto es lo que dijo de Marc hace año y medio, tras el incidente de Motorland en 2013, en el que Márquez provocó la caída de Dani:
Stoner: "Algunos pilotos deberían tranquilizarse. Tengo un gran respeto por Marc, pero este año él no respeta a los que le rodean". "Lo está haciendo muy bien, va a ganar el Mundial, perodebería ser más correcto y respetuoso, que es lo que yo más valoro. Ha tenido muchos contactos y la Federación debe tomar decisiones fuertes, a pesar de que por lo general evitan tomar decisiones incómodas". (Stoner: ". Some pilots should calm I have great respect for Marc, but this year he has no respect for those around him. " "He's doing very well, will win the World Cup, but should be more correct and respectful, which is what I value most . He has had many contacts and the Federation must make tough decisions, although usually avoid making uncomfortable decisions. ")
¿Terminará aquí esta historia, o estamos solamente en el primer capítulo? Habrá que estar atentos al ‘Twitter’ de Casey Stoner…
이미 알려진 스토너의 지난 트윗내용 전달은 접어두고 마지막 부분이 인상적이군요.ㅎㅎ
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